We are extremely pleased to be partnering with Planted Health, led by Dr. Sobia Mirza, MD, and bringing Lifestyle Medicine to LouCouPsych! Dr. Sobia Mirza is Dr. Sulman Mirza's younger sister, so it is fair to say that he can vouch for her experience and integrity, as well as adding that she was always the much smarter sibling :) She will be accepting patients shortly, and has included her brief introduction below. Please join us in welcoming her to the LouCouPsych family and helping to expand our available services to help you become the best version of you!
"Dr. Sobia Mirza, owner of Planted Health, is excited to partner with LouCouPsych to bring lifestyle medicine to Northern Virginia and beyond. Dr Mirza uses intensive lifestyle coaching to help individuals manage their weight, reduce their reliance on medications for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and prevent the development of these conditions in at-risk individuals.
Dr. Mirza is certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine and uses an evidence-based, judgment-free approach to treat individuals who overweight/obese. In addition, Dr. Mirza holds a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the eCornell T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and is soon to be certified by the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine.
Having experienced obesity herself as a child, Dr. Mirza can relate personally to the struggles of weight loss, weight maintenance and body image. It was during her training as a pediatric radiologist that Dr. Mirza embarked on her own journey to improved health, and she discovered the power of lifestyle medicine. Through the process of her own transformation Dr. Mirza was compelled to seek additional expertise in weight loss and lifestyle medicine in order to guide others.
Dr. Mirza works collaboratively with patients to identify their goals and to develop realistic, individualized treatment plans for long-term change through empowerment and self-efficacy. She promotes plant-centric nutrition, realistic physical activity, stress management, restorative sleep and a focus on loving relationships. No fad diets, supplements or unnecessary procedures are recommended. These underlying principles of healthful lifestyle behaviors pair naturally with the services already offered at LouCouPsych."